What you should know...

Yoni (vaginal) steaming is an old wisdom that has been overlooked. What's the point of steaming your Yoni? Primarily, teaming is not for cleansing your vulva or vaginal area. Your vagina is self-cleaning by nature. Yoni steaming provides significant energy, emotional, physical, and metaphysical advantages, including:

  • ​Cleanse your uterus
  • Enables you to intuitively engage to your sacred center.
  • Enhances your health status and well-being
  • Your reproductive system will be healed.
  • Menstrual flow is reduced.
  • Menstrual periods that are erratic or nonexistent are regulated.
  • Immune and intestinal health are boosted.
  • Improves Fertility
  • Pre-menopause, post-menopause, and postpartum care (cramps, irregular periods, etc.)
  • Restores body from infections (particularly bladder and yeast infections) and reduces inflammation
  • relieves the body of negative energy and trauma.
  • The pH of your vaginal fluid is balanced.
  • Increased desire due to increased blood circulation to the vagina and clitoris as a result of the warmth.

​By the end of this course you will know everything you need to know about Yoni Vaginal Steaming. You will be able to perform a Yoni Steam for yourself and/or your clients.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Within your journey...

  •  History and effects of yoni steaming
  • Anatomy 
  • Disorders, Traumas, and Factors 
  •  Fertility 
  •  How to address these issues with steaming 
  • Depth knowledge on how to craft the appropriate herbal blends
  • Exercise, diet, and why they matter 
  • Resources to all the equipment necessary to perform a Yoni Steam session. 
  • Safety and best practices, and the business side of being a yoni steam facilitator (if you choose to do so) 

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to perform a Yoni Vaginal Steam for personal use or for clients.
  • Anyone who wants to learn about the specific uses of Herbs for women's health.
  • Students who want to obtain a certification in Yoni Vaginal steam Training