Here at Honeyed Herbal Institute, you will learn how herbs can be used on a daily basis to better the overall quality of life. Often times as beginners many do not know where to start. Our courses will provide a variety of detailed herbal guides on different topics to get you started, refresh your knowledge, or learn more on your herbal holistic journey.

"This information changed my life! I would have never known that there are so many herb replacements to my everyday medications that also have fewer side effects and no long-term damage."

- Tiffany Smith

We've all been here before right?

Not feeling up to par but my doctor says that my lab look fine...

When you're sick but your test results are 'normal,' it's possible that the wrong tests were performed, the findings were misinterpreted, or what's going on isn't easily identified by testing and an alternative approach is required.

Modern medicine relies largely on tests because they may give a window into the inner workings of the body and reveal processes that aren't clearly visible. However, tests have limits. Doctors' fundamental tests are solely intended to determine two things: is your health condition or status life-threatening? Do you have a combination of symptoms and indicators that can be grouped together to form a diagnosis.. Diagnoses are beneficial for triaging in an emergency, but they aren't always helpful for chronic health issues. A diagnosis comes with no explanation as to why your symptoms are occurring or what you should do next.

Let's start by getting actively involved in our own health. Getting to know our unique bodies and their functions is vital. Adequate research is necessary when it comes to the supplements and medications we are taking so that we will be able to efficiently identify 1. what is wrong, 2. what works for us individually, and 3. what we can do to fix it. No matter what anyone else tells you, self-awareness is key here. Let us help guide you on your natural health journey!